Tomohiro Ando - concertgebouworkest


Tomohiro Ando was born in 1991 in Tokyo. He started at the age of 10 as a percussionist at his elementary school orchestra and from that moment on he dreamed of becoming a timpanist in a symphony orchestra. 

To make his dream come true, Tomohiro applied for the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in order to study with the musicians of his beloved Concertgebouworkest. Among his tutors in Amsterdam were his current colleagues Nick Woud, Mark Braafhart and Bence Major. After finishing his Bachelor studies, he was one of the rare students to be granted entrance to a timpani masters. Tomohiro also followed private lessons with Marinus Komst.

After working as a principal timpanist in the Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra, he was appointed Solo Timpanist with the Concertgebouworkest in 2017, following in the footsteps of Marinus Komst.

Tomohiro teaches Timpani at Conservatorium van Amsterdam and loves playing baroque music on his small drums.

For many years the timpanists of the orchestra have been playing on various exceptional and historically important timpani from the collection of the Foundation Concertgebouworkest. In 2018 three more timpani were purchased thanks to the Freundeskreis Schweiz, the Swiss Friends of the orchestra.

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Shiqi Zhong